ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology

All Projects

  1. Ultrasonic Characterization of Nanofluids for various concentration at different temperature, [INR.6.00 Lakhs ,UGC,New Delhi Sponsored Project ,[No.F.20-1(28)/2012(BSR) ]
  2. Study of Propagation of Ultrasonic waves in Solvent Mixture Used in Preparation of Natural Fiber from Agricultural Wastes [INR 8.285 Lakhs, DRDO, New Delhi,ERIP/ER/1203150/M/01/1559]
  3. Development of Ultrasonic Absorbent composite material using Date palm Leaf fiber [INR 7.358 Lakhs DRDO, New Delhi,No.ERIP/ER/1203119/M/01/1529]
  4. BRNS,DAE project entitled Theoretical aspects of few body problem and halo nuclei(communicated).
  5. Synthesis and measurement of hybrid acoustic shielding material for environmental noise reduction [INR9.79 Lakh Planning and Convergence Department, Govt. of Odisha, Bhubaneswar, No.2751/P, Bhubaneswar PC-INO-ACTI-0010-2018)
  6. Development of high temperature piezoelectric ceramics based on (1-x) Bi O3-x PbTiO3 Systems (Ongoing), Project No.: SR/FTP/PS-63/2008
  7. Design and Development of Bismuth Ferrites Based Multiferroic Polymer Nanocomposites for Multifunctional Applications (Ongoing), Lett No: ERIP/ER/1102202/M/01/1438
  8. Investigations on Numerical Methods for Studying Bohmian Quantum Trajectories(Ongoing), Project No.: SR/S2/LOP-31/2013
  9. UGC major research project on Theoretical study on nuclei near the stability line (communicated).
  10. Designing of hybrid green composites using industrial and bio-waste for acoustical applications.[ INR 1.00 Lakhs by TEQIP faculty Research seed money]
  11. NIL
  12. NIL
  13. Molecular Modelling on Metallic Nanoclusters for Advanced Technological Applications: Odisha State Higher Education Council (OURIIP-2022)
  14. Green Synthesis of Novel Liquid Crystals for Display Applications: Potential Method for Industrial Practice (Govt. of Odisha, Department of Science & Technology), Rs. 10Lakhs