Research & Consultancy
Along with the academic programs, the department of Physics is known for its academic excellence and enthusiastic R&D in thrust areas leading to large number of research publications in the leading national and international journals of high impact factors.
Research Area
- Theoretical Nuclear Physics
- Experimental Condensed matter Physics
- Ultrasonic wave propagation
- Theoretical Plasma Physics
Six persons have completed Ph.D. work in the department so far.
Sponsored Research Projects
Sl. No. | Financial Year | Name of Faculty (Principal Investigator) | Name of the Funding agency | Title of the Project | Sanctioned order no. | Sanctioned date | Amount Received (In Rupees) | Amount received (in words) |
1 | 2015-16 | Dr. G. Nath | UGC, New Delhi | Ultrasonic Characterisation of nanofluids for various concentration at different temperatures | Project No. F.20-1(28)/2012 (BSR) | FDDiary No.11324 Date: 05.03.2015 | Rs. 6,00,000/- | Six Lakhs only |
Dr. G. Nath | DRDO, New Delhi | Study of propagation of ultrasonic waves in solvent mixture used in preperation of natural fiber from agricultural wastes | ERIP/ER/ 1203150/M/ 01/1559 | 23.01.2015 | Rs. 8,28,500/- | Eight Lakhs twenty eight thousands and five hundreds only | ||
2 | 2014-15 | Dr. G. Nath (Co-PI) | DRDO, New Delhi | Development of ultrasonic absorbant composite material using date palm leaf fiber | ERIP/ER/ 1203119/M /01/1529 | 7/7/2014 | Rs. 7,35,800/- | Seven Lakhs Thirty five thousands and eight hundreds only |
3 | 2013-14 | Dr A. K. Pattanaik | DST, New Delhi | Development of high temperature piezoelectric ceramics based on (1-x) Bi (Me¢, Me²)O3-x PbTiO3 Systems | SR/FTP/PS-63/2008 Dy. No. SERB/F/ 1798/2013-14 | 25.06.2013 | Rs. 20,28,000/- | Twenty Lakhs twenty Thousands only |