All Publications
International Publications
- Behera, S, Numerical treatment of the KP-MEW equation and the Konno-Oono equation using the first-integral method, Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics (2024): 100846.
- Behera S, Virdi JPS, Analytical solutions fractional order partial differential equations arising in fluid dynamics, Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities,2024 . (SCIE , I/F-1.2 )
- Behera, S, Mohanty , S, Rezazadeh, H, Akinyemi, L. Dynamical Properties and Novel Wave Solutions of Ion Sound Langmuir Wave Equation in Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear Opt Quantum Opt (2024). (ESCI , Scopus, I/F-0.26 )
- Behera, S. Optical solitons for the Hirota-Ramnai eqution via improved (G’/G2)-expansion method, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, ,2450403 (2024). (SCI, I/F-1.8, Cite Score-3.7)
- Behera, S. Multiple soliton solutions of some conformable fractional nonlinear models using Sine–Cosine method. Opt Quant Electron 56, 1235 (2024). (SCI, I/F-3.3)
- Behera, S., Aljahdaly, N.H. Soliton Solutions of Nonlinear Geophysical Kdv Equation Via Two Analytical Methods. Int J Theor Phys 63, 107 (2024). (SCIE, I/F-1.3)
- Behera S. Analytical Solutions In terms of Solitonic Wave Profiles of Phi-four Equation. Nonlinear Opt Quantum Opt 59, no. 3-4 (2023): 253-261. (ESCI , Scopus, I/F-0.26 )
- Behera, S, Mohanty , S, and Virdi, J, S. Analytical solutions and mathematical simulation of traveling wave solutions to fractional order nonlinear equations. Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics 8 (2023): 100535. (Scopus, Cite score-3.4 )
- Behera, S., and J. P. Virdi. Generalized soliton solutions to Davey–Stewartson equation. Nonlinear Opt Quantum Opt 57, no. 3-4 (2023): 325-337. (ESCI , Scopus, I/F-0.26 )
- Behera, S., and N. H. Aljahdaly. Nonlinear evolution equations and their traveling wave solutions in fluid media by modified analytical method. Pramana 97, no. 3 (2023): 130. (SCI, I/F-1.9)
- Behera, S., Analysis of travelling wave solutions of two space-time nonlinear fractional differential equations by the first-integral method, Mod. Phys. Lett. B,38 (4) 2350247 , 2023. (SCI, I/F--1.8, Cite Score-3.7)
- Behera S. Dynamical solutions and quadratic resonance of nonlinear perturbed Schr$ddot{o}$dinger equation, Front Appl Math Stat., 2023;8:1086766. (ESCI , Scopus, I/F-1.3, Cite Score-1.9 )
- Behera S, Virdi JPS, Some more solitary traveling wave solutions of nonlinear evolution equations, Discontinuity Nonlinearity Complex. 2023;12(1):75-85. (Scopus, I/F-0.49 )
- Behera, S., Virdi, J.P.S., Analytical solutions of some fractional order nonlinear evolution equations by sine-cosine method, Discontinuity Nonlinearity Complex., 11(2) 275-286 (2023). (Scopus, I/F-0.49 )
- Yao, S.W., Behera, S., Inc, M., Rezazadeh, H., Virdi, J.P.S., Mahmoud, W., Arqub, O.A. and Osman, M.S.: Analytical solutions of conformable Drinfel’d–Sokolov–Wilson and Boiti Leon Pempinelli equations via sine–cosine method, Results Phys., 42 105990 (2022). (SCI, I/F-5.3, Cite Score-8.7)
- Behera S, Aljahdaly NH, Virdi, JPS. On the modified $(fr{G'}{G^2})$-expansion method for finding some analytical solutions of the traveling waves, J Ocean Eng Sci. 2022;7(4):313-320. (SCIE, I/F-7.1, Cite Score-11.5)
- Piyush R. Das, B.K. Samantray and R. N. P. Choudhary: Diffuse Phase Transition in Na2Pb2R2W2Ti4V4O30 (R= Gd, Eu) ferroelectric ceramics, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 68 (4) (2007) 516- 522.
- Piyush R. Das, B.K. Samantray and R.N.P. Choudhary: Diffuse ferroelectric phase transition in Na2Pb2Sm2W2Ti4 Nb4O30 ceramics, Mater. Chem. Phys, 101 (1) (2007) 228-233.
- Piyush R. Das, B.K. Samantray and R. N. P. Choudhary: Diffuse ferroelectric phase transition in Na2Pb2NdÂ2W2Ti4Nb4O30 ceramic, J. Alloys Comp, 448 (1-2) (2008) 32-37.
- Piyush R. Das, B. Behera, B.K. Samantray and R. N. P. Choudhary: Â Ferroelectric properties of Na2Pb2R2W2Ti4V4O30 (R=Dy, Pr) ceramics, Res. Lett. Mat. Sc Vol 2007 Article Id- 91796.
- Piyush R. Das, L. Biswal, B. Behera and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural and Electrical Properties of Na2Pb2Eu2W2Ti4X4O30 (X = Nb, Ta) Ferroelectric Ceramics”. Mater. Res. Bull. 44 (6) (2009) 1214-1218.
- Piyush R. Das,S. Behera and P. Nayak: Structural and Electrical Properties of Na2Pb2Sm2W2Ti4Ta4O30 Ferroelectric Ceramics, Int. J. Mater. Sc. 5 (5) (2010) 739-746.
- Piyush R. Das, L. Biswal, B. N. Parida and Banarji Behera: Diffuse Ferroelectric Phase transition in Na2Pb2Pr2W2Ti4Nb4O30 Ceramic, Int. J. Mater. Sc. 5 (5) (2010) 759-767.Â
- Dillip K. Pradhan, Banarji Behera, Piyush R. Das,: Studies of dielectric and electrical properties of a new type of complex tungsten bronze electroceramics , J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 23(3) (2011) 779-785.
- L Biswal, Piyush R. Das and Banarji Behera: Dielectric anomaly in Na2Pb2Dy2W2Ti4Nb4O30 ceramic, Asian J. Phys. 21 (2012) 165-170.
- S. Behera, Piyush R. Das,P. Nayak and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Synthesis and characterization of Na2Pb2Y2W2Ti4Ta4O30 ferroelectric ceramic” Asian J. Phys. 21 (2012) 179-186.
- Piyush R. Das,B.Pati, B. C. Sutar and R.N.P. Choudhary, “Electrical Properties of Complex Tungsten Bronze Ferroelectrics: Na2Pb2R2W2Ti4V4O30 Â (R= Gd, Eu) Adv. Mater. Lett. 3(1) (2012) 8-14.
- B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das,R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary:“A New Ferroelectric Oxide Li2Pb2Pr2W2Ti4Nb4O30: Synthesis and Characterization”J. Phys. Chem. Solids 73 (12) (2012) 713-719
- R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, B. N. Parida and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural, dielectric and electrical properties of dysprosium based new complex electroceramics” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 23 (9) (2012) 1688-97.
- B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das,R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary, "Synthesis and Characterization of a Tungsten Bronze Ferroelectric Oxide” Adv. Mater. Lett. 3 (3) (2012) 231-238.
- B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das,R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary, “Ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties of rare earth based tungsten–bronze compounds” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (1) (2012) 305-316.
- Piyush R. Das,B.Pati, B. C. Sutar and R.N.P. Choudhary: Study of structural and electrical properties of a new type of complex tungsten bronze electroceramics; Li2Pb2Y2W2Ti4V4O30 J. Modern Phys. 3 (8) (2012) 870-880.
- B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das,R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Phase Transition and Conduction Mechanism of Rare Earth Based Tungsten-Bronze Compounds” J. Alloys Comp. 540 (2012) p267-274.
- R Padhee, Piyush R. Das, Bichitrananda Parida, R N P Choudhary: "Dielectric and pyroelectric properties of niobium based complex tungsten bronze ferroelectrics" J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (2) (2013) 799-806.
- B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das,R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Phase Transition in Tungsten Bronze Li2Pb2Nd2W2Ti4Nb4O30 Ferroelectric” Phase Transition 86 (8) (2013) 778-785.
- S. Behera, B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Dasand P. Nayak: “Synthesis and Characterization of Na2Pb2Pr2W2Ti4Ta4O30” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (4) (2013) 1132-1140.
- L. Biswal, Piyush R. Das, Banarji Behera, R.N.P.Choudhary: “Structural, dielectric and conductivity studies of Na2Pb2La2W2Ti4Nb4O30 ferroelectric ceramic" J. Electroceramics 29 (3) (2012) 204-210.
- Piyush R. Das, S. Behera, R Padhee, P. Nayak: “Studies of Dielectric and Electrical Properties of Na2Pb2La2W2Ti4Ta4O30 Electroceramics" J. Adv. Ceram. 1 (3) (2012) 232-240.
- R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, B.N. Parida, R N P Choudhary: “Structural, dielectric and pyroelectric properties of praseodymium based complex tungsten bronze ferroelectrics” Ferroelectrics 437 (1) (2012) 160-170.
- Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee, B.N. Parida, R. N. P. Choudhary: “Synthesis and Characterization of Complex Ferroelectric Oxide” J. Adv. Dielectric. 2 (4) (2012) 1250024.
- B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural, Dielectric and Electrical properties of Li2Pb2La2W2Ti4Nb4O30 Ceramic” Bull. Mater. Sci. 36 (5) (2013) 883-892.
- R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, B. N. Parida, R N P Choudhary: “Electrical and Pyroelectric properties of Lanthanum based Niobate” J. Phys. Chem. Solids 74 (2)Â (2013) 377-385.
- S. Pattanayak, B.N. Parida, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: Impedance Spectroscopy of Gd-doped BiFeO3 Multiferroics” Appl. Phys. A 112 (2) (2013) 387-395.
- B. Pati, B.C. Sutar, B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: “Dielectric and impedance spectroscopy of barium orthovanadate ceramics” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (5) (2013) 1608-1616.
- R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, Bichitrananda Parida, R N P Choudhary: “Electrical and Pyroelectric properties of K2Pb2Gd2W2Ti4Nb4O30 ferroelectrics” J. Electronic Materials 42 (3) (2013) 426-437.
- B. C. Sutar, B.Pati, B. N. Parida Piyush R. Das, , and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Dielectric and Impedance characteristics of Ba(Bi0.5NbÂ)O3 ceramics” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (6) (2013) 2043-2051.
- R.N.P. Choudhury, B. Pati, Piyush R. Das, R. R.Dash, A. Paul: “Development of Electronic and Electrical Materials from Indian Ilmenite” J. Electronic Materials 42 (4) (2013) 769-782.
- R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, B.N. Parida, S. Behera, R N P Choudhary: “Dielectric and Electrical Properties of a Tungsten Bronze Tantalate Ceramic” Curr. Appl. Phys. 13 (6) (2013) 1014-1020.
- Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee, B.N. Parida, R N P Choudhary: "Electrical properties of Na2Pb2R2W2Ti4V4O30 (R= Dy, Pr) ceramics" J. Adv. Ceram. 2 (2) (2013) 112-118
- Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee, B.N. Parida, R N P Choudhary: “Diffuse ferroelectric phase transition in Li2Pb2Dy2W2Ti4V4O30” Phase Transition 86 (12) (2013) 1267-1272.
- S. Pattanayak, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: "Effect of Gd-substitution on Phase transition and Conduction Mechanism of BiFeO3" J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (8) (2013) 2767-2771.
- B. Pati, R.N.P. Choudhury, Piyush R. Das, B. N. Parida, R.Pahee: “Dielectric and Impedance Spectroscopy of Barium Orthoniobate Ceramic” J. Electronic Materials 42 (6) (2013) 1225-1234.
- S. Pattanayak, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: “Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic properties of Gd-modified BiFeO3” J. Magnetism Magnetic Mater. 341 (2013) 158-164.
- S. C. Panigrahi, Piyush R. Das, B. N. Parida, H. B. K. Sharma, R.N.P. Choudhary: "Effect of Gd on Dielectric and Transport Properties of Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics." J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (2013) 3275-3283.
- S. Dash, R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: "Enhancement of Dielectric and Electrical Properties of NaNbO3-Modified BiFeO3" J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (9) (2013) 3315-3323.
- S. Behera, Piyush R. Das,B. N. Parida, P. Nayak and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural and Electrical Properties of Li2Pb2Sm2W2Ti4Ta4O30 ceramics” Adv. Mater. Lett. 5 (3) (2014) 143-147.
- A. Mekap, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Dielectric and electrical properties of ZnSb2O4 ceramics” Adv. Mater. Lett. 5 (3) (2014) 152-156.
- B.C. Sutar, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Synthesis and Electrical Properties of Sr(Bi0.5V0.5)O3 Electroceramic” Adv. Mater. Lett. 5 (3) (2014) 131-137.
- B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary: "Dielectric and Pyroelectric Properties of La and Pr modified-Tungsten-Bronze Ferroelectrics", J. Electronic Materials 42 (8) (2013) 2587-94.
- S. Dash, R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: “DIELECTRIC AND IMPEDANCE SPECROSCOPY OF (Bi0.5Li0.5)(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 MULTIFERROICS” Phase Transition 87 (3) (2014) 223-235.
- S. Pattanayak, R.N.P. Choudhary, Piyush R. Das: “Effect of Sm-Substitution on Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of BiFeO3” Electronic Mater. Lett. 10 (1) (2014) 165-172.
- B. Pati, R.N.P. Choudhury and Piyush R. Das: “Phase Transition and Electrical Properties of Strontium Orthovanadate” J. Alloys Comp. 579 (2013) 218-226.
- B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary: "Ferroelectric, Pyroelectric and Electrical Properties of New Tungsten Bronze Tantalate" Curr. Appl. Phys. 13 (9) (2013) 1880-1888.
- B. Pati, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhury: “Studies of dielectric, pyroelectric and conduction mechanism of Sr3Ta2O8” Ceramic International 40 (1) (2013) 2201-2208.
- R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, Bichitrananda Parida, R N P Choudhary: “Double Phase Transitions in K2Pb2Sm2W2Ti4Nb4O30 Ferroelectrics" J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (11) (2013) 4522-4529.Â
- J. Rout, R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural, Dielectric and Electrical Propertiesof BiFeW2O9 Ceramics” Advances in Applied Physics 1 (3) (2013) 105 – 116.
- A. Mekap, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Dielectric, Magnetic and Electrical Properties of ZnFe2O4 Ceramics” J. Mater. Sci. Mater.Electron. 24 (12) (2013) 4757-4763.
- B. N. Parida, Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Impedance Analysis in Li2Pb2R2W2Ti4Nb4O30 (R= Y, Eu) Ceramics” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 24 (12) (2013) 4798-4806.
- B.C. Sutar, Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Ferroelectric Phase transition and Electrical properties of Ba(Bi0.5Ta0.5)O3” Â J. Electroceramics 32 (2-3) (2014) 154-162.
- B. N. Parida and Piyush R. Das: “Synthesis and Characterization of a New Ferroelectric Oxide Li2Pb2Pr2W2Ti4Ta4O30” J. Alloys Comp. 585 (2014) 234-239.
- S. Pattanayak, R.N.P. Choudhary, Piyush R. Das: "Effect of Praseodymium on Electrical Properties of BiFeO3 Multiferroic" J. Electronic Materials 43 (2) (2014)470-478.
- R.N.P. Choudhury, Piyush R. Das, R. R.Dash, B. Pati, Subhashree Swain: “Development of Electronic Materials from Industrial Waste Red Mud” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 25 (1) (2014) 202-216.
- A. Mekap, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Dielectric and Electrical Properties of LaGaO3 Ceramics” J. Advances in Physics 3(2) (2014) 212-219.
- J. Rout, B.N. Parida, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: "Structural, Dielectric and Electrical Properties of BiFeWO6 ceramic", J. Electronic Materials 43 (3) (2014) 732-739.
- 2016: T.J.Jose, A.Simi, M.D.Raju, and P.L.Praveen, Int. J Macro & Nano Phys., 1, 1 (2016).
   ISSN: 1111-1113Â
Thermodynamic and Ultraviolet Stabilities of para-azoxyanisole: A Nematic Liquid Crystal - S. Pattanayak, R.N.P. Choudhary, Piyush R. Das: "Ferroelectric and magnetic characteristics of Sm-modified BiFeO3 multiferroics" Canadian J. Phys. 92 (5) (2014) 440-447.
- 2015: P.L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 606, 75 (2015).
ISSN 1542-1406Â Â Â IF: 0.58Â
Effect of Molecular Interactions and Homologue Number on UV Absorption Spectra of Liquid Crystalline
Alkyl Cyanobiphenyl Dimers: DFT Calculations - B.C. Sutar, Piyush R. Das, and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Dielectric and Impedance Spectroscopy of Sr(Bi0.5Nb0.5)O3 ceramics” Ceramic International 40 (6) (2014) 7791-7998.
- B. Pati, R.N.P. Choudhury, Piyush R. Das, B.N. Parida and R. Padhee: “Pyroelectric and dielectric properties of lead-free ferroelectric Ba3Nb2O8 ceramic” J. Alloys Comp. 592 (2014) 6-11.
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 608, 72 (2015).
ISSN: 0141-1594Â IF: 0.58Â
The Influence of Alkyl Chain Length and Solvents on Configurational Probability of Liquid Crystalline
Materials – A Computational Approach - T.J.Jose, A.Simi, M.D.Raju, and P.L.Praveen, Int. J. Adv. Res. J. Sci. Engg. Technol., 2, 14 (2015).
ISSN: 2393-8021Â IF: 1.918
Liquid Crystalline Carborane Diester Molecules: Structure, Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra Based on DFT and Semiempirical Methods - S. Pattanayak, R.N.P. Choudhary, Piyush R. Das and S.R. Shannigrahi: “Effect of Dy-substitution on structural, electrical and magnetic properties of multiferroic BiFeO3 ceramics” Ceramic International 40 (6) (2014) 7983-7991.
- P.L.Praveen, and Ramakrishna D. S., Int. J. Adv. Res. J. Sci. Engg. Technol., 2, 92 (2015).
   ISSN: 2393-8021 IF: 1.918
Charge Distribution and UV Absorption Spectra of Liquid Crystals with Structural Element [closo-B10H10]2-:
A Theoretical Approach - A. Mohapatra, R.N.P. Choudhary, Piyush R. Das: "Structural and Electrical Properties of Bi5Ti3FeO15 ceramics" J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 25 (3) (2014) 1348-1353.
- R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, Bichitrananda Parida, R N P Choudhary: “Impedance analysis of K2Pb2X2W2Ti4Nb4O30 (X=Nd, Y) tungsten bronze ceramics” J. Korean Physical Soc. 64 (7) (2014) 1022-1030.
- 2014: P.L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Liquid Crystals, 41, 872 (2014).
ISSN: 0267-8292Â IF: 2.486
Photo sensitivity, substituent and solvent-induced shifts in UV-Visible absorption bands of naphthyl-ester
liquid crystals: a comparative theoretical approach - P. L. Praveen and D. P. Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids, 194, 8 (2014).
ISSN: 0167-7322Â Â IF: 2.515
Optical Absorption Behaviour and Spectral Shifts of Fluorinated Liquid Crystals in Ultraviolet Region – A
Comparative Study Based on DFT and Semiempirical Approaches - C. Behera, Piyush R. Das, and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural and Electrical Properties of La modified BFO-BT Composites” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 25 (5) (2014) 2086-2095.
- P.L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids, 197, 106 (2014).
ISSN: 0167-7322Â Â IF: 2.515 Â Â Â Â Â
Effect of molecular interactions and end chain length on ultraviolet absorption and photo stability of
alkoxycinnamic acids: Theoretical models of liquid crystal - S. C. Panigrahi, Piyush R. Das, B.N. Parida, R. Padhee and R.N.P. Choudhary:"Dielectric and electrical properties of gadolinium-modified lead-zirconate-titanate system" J. Alloys Compounds 604 (2014) 73-82.
- B.N. Parida, Piyush R Das, R Padhee, S. Behera, R N P Choudhary: "Structural, Dielectric and Electrical Properties of a new Tungsten Bronze Ferroelectric Ceramics" J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 25 (6) (2014) 2618-2626.
- P.L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Phase Transitions, 87, 641 (2014).
ISSN: 0141-1594 Â Â Â Â Â Â IF: 1.1Â Â Â Â
Role of Molecular Interactions and End Chain Length on Photo Sensitivity of Liquid Crystalline Alkyl
Cyanobiphenyl Dimers – UV Absorption Based Approach Through DFT Calculations - P. L. Praveen and D. P. Ojha, Phase Trans., 87, 515 (2014).
ISSN: 0141-1594Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â IF: 1.1Â Â Â Â
Effect of Substituent on UV-Visible Absorption and Photo Stability of Liquid Crystals: DFT Study - R.Padhee and Piyush R. Das: “Electrical properties of complex tungsten bronze ceramics” Phase Trans. 87 (9) (2014) 865-880.
- 2013: P.L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Phase Transitions, 86, 433 (2013).
ISSN: 0141-1594 IF: 1.1Â Â Â Â
Thermodynamic Stability and Phase Behaviour of a Liquid Crystalline Material: A Theoretical Model at
Molecular Level - A. Mekap, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: "Dielectric and Impedance Spectroscopy of ZnWO4 Electroceramics" J. Electronic Materials 43 (9) (2014) 3527-3533.
- R.N.P. Choudhary, C. Behera, Piyush R. Das and R.R. Das: "Development of Bismuth-Based Electronic Materials from Indian Red Mud" Ceram. Int. 40 (8) (2014) 12253-12264.
- D. P. Ojha, and P. L. Praveen, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 74, 1653 (2013).
ISSN: 0022-3697 IF: 1.417Â Â Â Â Â
Theoretical Study on Liquid Crystal Cyanobiphenyls: Phase Stability and Phase Behaviour13. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 575, 77 (2013).
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 575, 77 (2013).
     ISSN 1542-1406 IF: 0.58
Role of Molecular Interactions on Phase Stability and Phase Behaviour of a Model Nematogen - A
Thermodynamic Approach. - Samita Pattanayak, R.N.P. Choudhary, Piyush R. Das: “Studies of electrical conductivity and magnetic properties of Bi1-xGdxFeO3 multiferroics” J. Adv. Dielectric 4 (2) (2014) 1450011.
- P. L. Praveen and D. P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.,571, 30 (2013).
     ISSN 1542-1406 IF: 0.58
Molecular Structure and Ordering in a Fluorinated Smectogenic Compound-A Statistical Thermodynamic
Approach. - B.C. Sutar, R.N.P. Choudhary and Piyush R. Das,: "Dielectric and Impedance Spectroscopy of Barium Bismuth Vanadate Ferroelectrics" J. Electronic Materials 43 (7) (2014) 2621-2630.
- C. Behera, Piyush R. Das, and R.N.P. Choudhary: "Structural and Electrical Properties of Mechanothermally Synthesized NiFe2O4 Nanoceramics" J. Electronic Materials 43 (9) (2014) 3539-3549.
- P.L. Praveen and D.P.Ojha, Asian J. Chem., 25, 7813(2013).
ISSN: 0970-7077 IF: 0.27Â
Molecular structure and ordering in biphenyl molecules with strong polar group: A comparative
computational analysis between a mesogen and non-mesogens - 2012: P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Materials Chem. & Physics, 135, 628 (2012).
ISSN: 0254-0584 IF: 2.259Â Â Â Â Â
Calculation of Spectral Shifts in UV-Visible Region and Photoresponsive Behaviour of Fluorinated Liquid
Crystals: Effect of Solvent and Substituent - C. Behera, Piyush R. Das, and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural, Dielectric and Impedance Spectroscopy of (Bi0.3La0.2Ba0.5)(Fe0.5Ti0.5)O3 Adv. Sci. Lett. 20 (3-4) (2014) 626-630.
- U. Laha, A. K. Behera, M. Majumdar and J. Bhoi: “The Fredholm determinant for Hulthén-distorted non-local separable potential: Application to α - α elastic scattering’’ , PramanaJouranal of Physics, 94(1), 1-10 (2020).
- A.K. Behera, B. Khirali, U. Laha and J. Bhoi: ‘’ Construction of an energy dependent Potential by a Talyor series expansionâ€, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 205(1), 1353-1363 (2020).
- P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Crystal Res. Technol. 47, 91 (2012).
ISSN: 1521-4079 IF: 1.1 Â Â Â
Substituent and Solvent Effects on UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of Liquid Crystalline Disubstituted
Biphenylcyclohexane Derivatives – A Computational Approach - S. Pattanayak, R.N.P. Choudhary, Piyush R. Das: “Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Bi0.75Dy0.25FeO3 Ceramics” Adv. Sci. Lett. 20 (3-4) (2014) 654-659.
- B.N. Parida, Piyush R Das, R Padhee and R N P Choudhary: “Structural and Electrical Properties of Rare Earth modified Tungsten Bronze Niobates” Adv. Sci. Lett. 20 (3-4) (2014) 689-692.
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, J. Physics & Chemistry of Solids, 73, 57 (2012).
ISSN: 0022-3697 IF: 1.417Â Â Â Â Â
Theoretical Analysis on Phase Behaviour of a Liquid Crystalline Material – Effect of Molecular Motions - A.K. Behera, J. Bhoi, U.Laha and B. Kirali: ‘’Study on nucleon-nucleon and alpha-nucleon elastic scattering by Manning-Rosen potentialâ€, Communication in Theoretical Physics, 72(7), 075301 (2020).
- R. Aneela, P.L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids, 166, 70 (2012)
ISSN: 0167-7322 IF: 2.515
Role of Configurational Entropy on Ordering and Phase Organization of Nematic Liquid Crystals – Role
of Configurational Entropy - R. Padhee, Piyush R. Das, B. N. Parida, R N P Choudhary: “Pyroelectric Properties of K2Pb2Dy2W2Ti4Nb4O30 tungsten bronze ceramic” Adv. Sci. Lett. 20 (3-4) (2014) 737-740.
- B. Khirali, A. K. Behera, J. Bhoi and U. Laha: “On- and Off-shell Jost Functions for Manning-Rosen Potentialâ€, PhysicaScripta, 95(7), 075308 (2020).
- A.K. Behera, U. Laha, P. Sahoo and J. Bhoi: “Hulthén Half-Shell T-Matrix-Application to np and nd scatteringâ€, Journal of Korean Physical Society, 76, 782-787 (2020).
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Z. Naturforsch, 67a, 210 (2012).
ISSN: 0932-0784 IF: 1.02
Study of Phase Behaviour of N-n-Undecyl-D-Gluconamide having V-Shaped Conformation – A
Molecular Simulation Approach - S. Behera, Piyush R. Das , P. Nayak and R. Padhee: “Modulus spectroscopy and Conductivity Studies of Rare Earth based Tungsten Bronze Ceramics” Adv. Sci. Lett. 20 (3-4) (2014) 804-808.
- B.C. Sutar, R.N.P. Choudhary, Piyush R. Das and B. Pati: “Ferroelectric Phase Transition and Conduction Mechanism of Ba(Bi0.5Nb0.5)O3” Adv. Sci. Lett. 20 (3-4) (2014) 857-861.
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, J. Molecular Modeling, 18, 1513 (2012).
ISSN: 1610-2940 IF: 1.80
Structure and Electronic Spectra of Mesogenic Alkoxy Cinnamic Acids: A Comparative Study Based on
Semiempirical and DFT Methods - A. K. Behera, U. Laha and J. Bhoi: “Generating velocity dependent potential in all partial wavesâ€, Turkish Journal of Physics, 44(2), 229-238 (2020).
- P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Romanian J. Phys., 57, 645 (2012).
ISSN: 1221-146X IF: 0.42
Thermodynamic Properties of a Nematogen - A Computational Approac - Piyush R. Das,B. C. Sutar, B.Pati and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural and Electrical properties of complex tungsten bronze ferroelectrics; Li2Pb2La2W2Ti4V4O30” Ferroelectrics 467 (1) (2014) 50-66.
- U. Laha, A.K. Behera and J. Bhoi: “Phase Equivalent energy –dependent potential –A Supersymmetric Approachâ€, Malaysian Journal of Science, 63-71 (2020).
- B. Khirali, A. K. Behera, J. Bhoi and U. Laha : “Scattering with Manning-Rosen Potential n all partial waves’’, Annals of Physics, 412, 168044 (2020).
- R. Aneela, P.L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 557, 90 (2012).
ISSN 1542-1406Â IF: 0.58
Computational Analysis of Liquid Crystalline Biphenylcyclohexane Derivatives: Estimation of
Configurational Probability, and Phase Stability - L. Biswal, Piyush R. Das and B. Behera: “Frequency dependent electrical properties of Na2Pb2R2W2Ti4Nb4O30 (R=Nd, Sm) ceramics” J. Adv. Ceram. 3 (3) (2014) 215-223.
- B.C. Sutar, R.N.P. Choudhary and Piyush R. Das: “Dielectric and Impedance Spectroscopy of Sr(Bi0.5Ta0.5)O3 Electroceramics” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 25 (10) (2014) 4278-4285.
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 557, 206 (2012).
ISSN 1542-1406Â IF: 0.58
Substituents Effect on Electronic Spectral Shifts and Phase Stability of Liquid Crystalline
Biphenylcyclohexane Molecules – A Theoretical Approach - B. Khirali, A. K. Behera, J. Bhoi and U. Laha : “Regular and Jost states for the S-wave Manning-Rosen potentialâ€, Journal of Phys. G: Nucl& Part., 46(11), 115104 (2019).
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids. 169, 110 (2012).
ISSN: 0167-7322 IF: 2.515 Â Â Â Â Â
Calculation of Spectral Shifts in UV-Visible Region and Photo Stability of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals:
Solvent and Alkyl Chain Length Effects - S. Pattanayak, R.N.P. Choudhary, Piyush R. Das: “A comparative study of structural, electrical and magnetic properties rare-earth (Dy and Nd)-modified BiFeO3” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 25 (9) (2014) 3962.
- J. Bhoi, A. K. Behera and U. Laha: “Off-shell Jostfunctions for the HulthénPotential in all partial wavesâ€, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 60(8), 083502 (2019).
- A.K.Behera, U.Laha, M.Majumder and J. Bhoi: “On the α-C12 Elastic scattering, J of Korean Physical Societyâ€, 74(5), 428-433 (2019).
- P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, American Inst. Phys. Proc., 1447, 157 (2012).
     ISSN: 1551-7616       Â
Electronic Spectra and Ultraviolet Stability of Nematic Liquid Crystals: Effect of Solvent and Substituen - B. Pati, R.N.P. Choudhury, Piyush R. Das: “Pyroelectric response and conduction mechanism in highly crystallized ferroelectric Sr3(VO4)2 ceramic“ J. Electronic Materials 44 (1) (2015) 313-319.
- B.N. Parida, Piyush R Das, R. Padhee, D. Suara, A. Mishra, J. Rout and, R. N. P. Choudhary: “Synthesis and characterization of (Bi0.5Ba0.5) (Fe0.5Ti0.5)O3 Ceramic” Mater. Res. Bull. 61 (2015) 544-550.
- G. S. Baskaran, P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Asian J. Chem., 24, 4471 (2012).
ISSN: 0970-7077 IF: 0.27Â
Influence of Dielectric Medium on Cyano Containing Mesogenic Compound-A Statistical Analysis Based
on Quantum Mechanics and Intermolecular Forces - J. Bhoi and U. Laha: “Potentials and phase shifts for nucleon-light nuclei systemsâ€, Pramana-Journal of Physics, 91(6), 1-11 (2018).
- 2011: P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Physical Review, E83, 051710 (2011).
ISSN: 1539-3755 IF: 2.6
Computational Analysis on Molecular Properties and Spectral Characteristics of Cyano Containing
Liquid Crystals – Role of Alkyl Chains - S. Dash, R.N.P. Choudhary, Piyush R. Das and A. Kumar: “Effect Of KNbO3 Modification on Structure, Electrical and Magnetic Properties Of BiFeO3” Appl. Phys. A 118 (3) (2015) 1023-1031.
- J. Bhoi, M. Majumder and U. Laha: “Higher partial wave energy dependent and independent two-nucleon interactions via supersymmetry formalismâ€, Indian J of Pure and Applied Physics, 56(7), 538-543 (2018).
- U. Laha, M. Majumder and J. Bhoi :“Volterra integral equation-factorization method and nucleus-nucleus elastic scatteringâ€, Pramana J of Phys. 90(4), 1-7 (2018).
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Liquid Crystals, 38, 963 (2011).
ISSN: 0267-8292 IF: 2.486 Â Â Â Â Â
Semiempirical Analysis of Electronic Spectra and Ultraviolet Stability of Nematic Liquid Crystals: Effect
of Solvent and Substituent - S. Dash, A. Kumar, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural, Dielectric and Multiferroic Properties of (Bi0.5K0.5) (Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3” Canadian J. Phys. 93 (7) (2015) 738-744.
- Jagabandhu Pradhan, H.K. Mallick, MPK Sahoo, AK Pattanaik, Enhanced optical and dielectric properties of rare-earth co-doped SrTiO3 ceramics, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2021, Accepted. (Impact factor 2.2)
- C. Behera, Piyush R. Das, and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Size effect on electrical and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed CoFe2O4 nanoferrite” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 26 (4) (2015) 2343-2356.
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Materials Chem. & Phys., 126, 248 (2011).
ISSN: 0254-0584 IF: 2.259 Â Â Â Â Â
Role of Molecular Rigidity on Phase Organization of a Smectic Liquid Crystal- A Theoretical Model - J. Bhoi, R. Upadhyaya and U. Laha: “Parameterization of the nuclear Hulthén potential for the nucleus-nucleus elastic scatteringâ€, Communication in Theoretical Physics, 69, 203-210 (2018).
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids, 158, 27 (2011).
ISSN: 0167-7322 IF: 2.515Â Â Â Â Â
Estimation of Configurational Entropy and Stability of Nematic Phase in Mesogens-Role of Molecular
Interactions - B. Pati, R.N.P. Choudhury, Piyush R. Das, B.C. Sutar : “Dielectric response and pyroelectric properties of lead-free ferroelectric Ba3(VO4)2” J. Adv. Dielectrics 5(1)Â (2015) 1550006.
- RL Nayak, SS Dash, Y Zhang, MPK Sahoo, Enhanced Dielectric, Thermal Stability, and Energy Storage Properties in Compositionally Engineered Lead-Free Ceramics at Morphotropic Phase Boundary, Ceramic International (2021) DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.03.033. (Impact factor 3.8)
- UjjwalLaha, Sanjib Kr. Das and Jhasaketan Bhoi: “Localization of non-local interactionsâ€, Turkish Journal of Physics 41, 447-462 (2017).
- U. Laha, S. Ray, S. Panda and J. Bhoi: “Laplace transforms of the Hulthén Green’s function and their applications to potential scatteringâ€, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 193(1), 1499 (2017).
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 537, 64 (2011).
ISSN 1542-1406Â IF: 0.58
Molecular Structure and Conformational Behaviour of a Nematogen-A Statistical Approach - A. Mohapatra, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: "Structural and Electrical Properties of La Modified Bi5Ti3FeO15 ceramics" J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 26 (5) (2015) 3035-3043.
- H.K. Mallick, Yajun Zhang, Jagabandhu Pradhan, MPK Sahoo, AK Pattanaik, Influence of particle size and defects on the optical, magnetic and electronic properties of Al doped SnO2 nanoparticles, J. Alloys Compd. (2021) 854, 156067. (Impact factor 4.6)
- Piyush R. Das, R. Padhee, B.N. Parida, R N P Choudhary: “Structural and Dielectric Properties of Na2Pb2Nd2W2Ti4V4O30 Ferroelectric Ceramics” Indian J. Phys. 90 (2) (2016) 155-162.
- M Mishra, Y Zhang, D Mishra, MPK Sahoo, PK Pradhan, AK Pattanaik, Defect driven do ferromagnetism and colossal dielectric behavior in Bi(Zn0.5Ti0.5)O3–PbTiO3 ceramics, Ceramic International, (2019) 45, 22948 (Impact factor 3.8)
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids, 161, 44 (2011).
ISSN: 0167-7322 IF: 2.515 Â Â Â Â Â
Phase Organization in Laterally Substituted Dicyclohexaethane Derivatives-A Molecular Model for
Smectogens - J. Bhoi and U. Laha: “HulthénPotential models for α-α and α-3He elastic scatteringâ€, Pramana J of Physics 88, Issue 3, 44 (2017).
- P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 548, 61 (2011).
ISSN 1542-1406Â IF: 0.58
Thermodynamic Stability of Nematic Phase and Configurational Entropy of Mesogens – A Molecular
Simulation Approach - C. Behera, Piyush R. Das, and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Size dependent Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Mechanically-Activated MnFe2O4 Nanoferrite” Ceram. Int. 41 (10) (2015) 13042-13054.
- Jie Wang, Yajun Zhang, MPK Sahoo, Takahiro Shimada, Takayuki Kitamura, Philippe Ghosez, Tong-Yi Zhang, Giant magnetoelectric effect at the graphone/ferroelectric interface, Scientific Reports (2018) 8, 1.
- J. Bhoi and U. Laha: “Supersymmetry inspired low energy α-p elastic scattering phasesâ€, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 190(1), 69-76 (2017).
- J. Bhoi and U. Laha: “Nucleon-nucleon Scattering by the HulthénPotentialâ€, Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Technology, Vol. 6, Issue-2, Page 1-7 (2016).
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 548, 209 (2011).
ISSN 1542-1406Â IF: 0.58
Electronic Transition Oscillator Strength and UV Stability of Nematogenic Cyanobiphenyls – Role of
Alkyl Chains - B.N. Parida, Piyush R Das, R Padhee, and R N P Choudhary: “Ferroelectric phase transition and conduction mechanism of Li2Pb2La2W2Ti4Ta4O30” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 27 (1) (2016) 342-350.
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- C. Behera, R.N.P. Choudhary and Piyush R. Das: “Structural, dielectric, impedance and magneto-electric properties of mechanically synthesized (Bi0.5Ba0.25Sr0.25) (Fe0.5Ti0.5) O3 nanoelectronic system” Mater. Res. Express 3 (9) (2016) 035005
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- P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 85, 1756 (2011).
ISSN: 0036-0244 IF: 0.503Â Â Â Â Â
Molecular Interactions and Crystal Packing in a Nematogen-A Computational Thermodynamic
Approach. - U. Laha and J. Bhoi: “On and off-shell Jost functions and their integral representationsâ€, Pramana Journal of Physics 86, Issue 5, 947 (2016).
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ISSN: 0932-0784 IF: 1.02Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Computer Simulations of Ordering in a Nematogen-The Role of Dielectric Medium - A. Mekap, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Non-linear Electrical Characteristics of ZnO Modified by Trioxides Sb2O3, Bi2O3, Fe2O3, Al2O3 and La2O3” J. Electronic Materials 45 (8) (2016) 4338-4349.
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- J. Bhoi and U. Laha: “Elastic scattering of light nuclei through a simple potential modelâ€, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 79, Issue 3, 370 (2016).
- J. Bhoi and U. Laha: “Nucleon-nucleon scattering phase shifts via Supersymmetry and the Phase function methodâ€, Brazilian Journal of Physics 46, Issue 1, 129 (2016).
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ISSN 1542-1406Â IF: 0.58Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Ordering of a Strong Polar Nematogen 6CBB in Dielectric Medium-A Computational Analysis. - Aparajita Mohapatra, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Structural and electrical properties of Bi2La3Ti3FeO15 ceramics” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 27 (1) (2016) 436-443.
- MPK Sahoo, J. Wang, Y. Zhang, T. Shimada, T. Kitamura, Modulation of Gas Adsorption and Magnetic Properties of Monolayer-MoS2 by Antisite Defectand Strain, J. Phys. Chem. C (2016) 120, 14113, (Impact factor: 4.53)
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- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Materials Chem. Phys., 123, 147 (2010).
ISSN: 0254-0584 IF: 2.259Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Computer Simulation of ordering in a Bipolar Nematogen H6CBP at Phase Transition Temperature. - U. Laha and J. Bhoi: “Parameterization of the nuclear Hulthénpotentialsâ€, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 79(1), 62-66 (2016).
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Phase Transitions, 83, 37(2010).
ISSN: 0141-1594 IF: 1.1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Molecular Ordering in a Bipolar Nematogenic Cyanobiphenyl - A Computer Simulation Approach. - B.N. Parida, N. Panda, R Padhee, Piyush R. Das and R N P Choudhary: “Dielectric Relaxation and Impedance Analysis of Ferroelectric double Perovskite Pb2BiNbO6” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 28 (2) (2017) 1824-1831.
- MPK Sahoo, Y. Zhang, J. Wang, RNP Choudhary, Composition control of magnetoelectric relaxor behavior in multiferroics BaZr0.4Ti0.6O3/CoFe2O4 Composites, J. Alloy Compd. (2016) 657, 12, (Impact factor: 3.13)
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Molecular Order-Disorder Phenomenon of a Nematogen-A Computational Analysis - C. Behera, R.N.P. Choudhary and Piyush R. Das: “Development of multiferroic polymer nanocomposite from PVDF and (Bi0.5Ba0.25Sr0.25)(Fe0.5Ti0.5)O3” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 28 (3) (2017) 2586-2597.
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Ordering in Homologous Series of 4’-n-Alkyl Cyanobiphenyl (nCB)-A Comparative Computational - U. Laha and J. Bhoi: “Two-nucleon Hulthen type interactions for few higher partial wavesâ€, Pramana J. of Phys. 84(4), 555-567 (2015).
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Molecular Ordering in a Nematogen Based on Quantum Mechanics and Intermolecular Forces-A, Computational Analysis. - Saparjya S, S. Behera, B. Behera and Piyush R. Das: “Structural and Electrical Properties of a new lead free Tungsten Bronze Ferroelectric Ceramics Na2Ba2Eu2W2Ti4Nb4O30” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 28 (4) (2017) 3843-3850.
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Ordering in Nematogenic p-n-Heptyloxy Benzoic Acid-A Computational Study. - R. Padhee, B.N. Parida, Piyush R. Das, R N P Choudhary: "Dielectric and electrical properties of lanthanum modified electroceramics" Ferroelectrics 507 (1) (2017) 109-120.
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A Computational Analysis of Ordering in p-n-Octyloxy Benzoic Acid-A Nematogen - U. Laha and J. Bhoi: “Comparative study of the energy dependent and independent two-nucleon interactions-a supersymmetric approachâ€, International Journal of Modern Physics E 20(08),1450039-1 (2014).
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ISSN: 1070-3632 IF: 0.467Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Computer Simulations of Molecular Organization in a Nematogen – The Role of Thermodynamical Parameters.   - C. Behera, R.N.P. Choudhary and Piyush R. Das: “Development of Ni-Ferrite Based PVDF Nanomultiferroics" J. Electronic Materials 46 (10) (2017) 6009-6022.
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ISSN: 1070-3632 IF: 0.467Â Â Â Â Â
Ordering in a Smectogenic Schiff Base Compound-A Computational Analysis Based on Intermolecular
Interactions - B. C. Sutar, Biswajit Pati, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary: “Studies on structural and electrical properties in highly crystallized lead-free ferroelectric Ba(Bi0.5Ta0.5)O3” Ferroelectrics 518 (1) (2017) 42-51.
- BB Mohanty, PS Sahoo, MPK Sahoo, RNP Choudhary, Impedance spectroscopy of Ba5GdTi3V7O30, Journal of Modern Physics, (2012), 3, 357, (Impact factor: 0.82)
- S.C. Panigrahi, Piyush R. Das, R.N.P. Choudhary and R. Padhi: “Effect of Gd on Dielectric and Piezoelectric properties of Lead Zirconate Titanate Ferroelectric Ceramics” Ferroelectrics 524 (1) (2018) 14-19.
- BB Mohanty, PS Sahoo, MPK Sahoo, RNP Choudhary, Synthesis and Electrical Analysis of Ba5GdTi3V7O30 Ceramics, , Mater Sci Appl, (2012), 3, 173, (Impact factor: 0.96)
- Phase shift calculation for the nuclei (16O,17F) and (40Ca,41Sc) near and far from the stability line : International Journal of Current Research vol 8 issue 5 March 2016
Anjana Acharya& Rajib.L.Nayak - G.Nath,A.Tripathy and R.Paikaray,(2013), “Study of Acoustic Parameters in binary mixture at variable frequencies”International Journal of Thermophysics ,Vol-34,No.11,pp-2160-2172.
- P.L. Praveen, K.V. B. Reddy, N. Ajeetha, and D.P.Ojha, Crystallography  Reports, 54, 1197 (2009).
ISSN: 1063-7745 IF: 0.469Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Computational Analysis of Ordering in Non-Liquid Crystalline versus Liquid Crystalline Materials with
Special Reference to nBAC. - U. Laha and J. Bhoi: “Integral transform of the Coulomb Green’s function by the Hankel function and off-shell scatteringâ€, Phys. Rev. C 88(6), 064001 (2013).
- Reaction cross section for the reaction p+p π+K ++K –International Journal of Modern Engineering Research vol 6 issue 6 June 2016 51-59
Sopnali Pattanaik and Anjana Acharya - G.Nath, S. Sahu and R.Paikaray,(2009), “Study of acoustic parameters of binary mixtures of a non-polar liquid with polar liquid at different frequencies”, Indian Journal of Physics, Vol-83,No.4,pp- 429-436 ,ISSN#0973-1458.
- P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Int. J. Mat. Sci., 4, 469 (2009).
ISSN: 0973-4589 IF: 0.24Â
Mesomorphic Ordering in Liquid Crystalline Materials (BCHs)-A Computational Study Based on
Intermolecular Interactions. - S. K. Mohanty, B. Behera, B.N. Parida, Piyush R. Das:“Spontaneous, high temperature and spectroscopic characterization of K0.5Bi0.5TiO3 -NaVO3 ceramic" J. Alloys. Comp. 743 (2018) 428-436.
- PS Sahoo, MPK Sahoo, RNP Choudhary, Dielectric and impedance properties of Ba2Sr3DyTi3V7O30 ceramics, J Mater Sci Mater El, (2012), 23, 1313, (Impact factor: 1.48)
- U. Laha and J. Bhoi: “On the nucleon-nucleon scattering phase shifts through supersymmetry and factorizationâ€, Pramana J. Phys. Vol. 81, No. 6, December 959–973 (2013).
- U. Laha and J. Bhoi: “An Integral Transform of Coulomb Green’s Function via Sturmian Representation and Off-Shell Scatteringâ€, Few-Body System, 54, 1973 (2013).
- Cross section measurement for 40Ca by applying AGS equation in stripping reaction
IJSRT vol 5 issue 7 july 2016
Anjana Acharya& Rajib L.Nayak - G.Nath, and R.Paikaray,(2009) “Ultrasonic study of binary mixtures of acetone with chlorobenzene at different frequencies”, Indian Journal of Physics, Vol.83,No.9,pp-1309-1314,ISSN#0973-1458.
- 2008: G. S. Bhaskaran, P.L.Praveen, N.Ajeetha, and D.P.Ojha, Bull. of Pure & Appl. Sci., 27D, 229 (2008). ISSN: 0970-6569 IF: 0.28 Molecular Ordering in 5OCB based on Quantum Mechanics and Intermolecular Forces Communicated (No. 03)
- C. Behera, R.N.P. Choudhary and Piyush R. Das: “Structural, Electrical and Multiferroic Characteristics of Thermo-mechanically Fabricated BiFeO3-(BaSr)TiO3 Solid Solutions" Mater. Res. Express 5_056301(2018).
- MPK Sahoo, RNP Choudhary, Evidence of relaxor freezing in Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3/BiFeO3 ceramics, Solid state communications, 150, 2236. (Impact factor 1.5)
- S.C. Panigrahi, Piyush R. Das and R.N.P. Choudhary: “Ferroelectric studies for soft Gd- modified PZT ceramics" Phase Transition 91 (7) (2018) 703-714.
- MPK Sahoo, RNP Choudhary, Dynamics of nano-cluster in a new relaxor system:(PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3)/(BiFeO3), Solid state sciences (2010) 12, 1257. (Impact factor 2.4)
- Deuteron stripping reaction on mirror nuclei of 16O,28Si,24Mg and 40Ca
International journal of applied ,pure science and agriculture vol 2 issue 6 2016-07-28
Anjana Acharya,Rajib L. Nayak and Trupti Sahu - G.Nath, S. Sahu and R.Paikaray,(2009) “Effect of frequency on acoustic parameters in a binary mixture of polar liquids”, Indian Journal of Physics,Vol- 83,No.11,pp-1567-1574 ISSN#0973-1458.
- Communicated: T.J.Jose, A.Simi, M.D.Raju, and P.L.Praveen, J. Optoelectronics & Adv. Mat., (2016) RevisedSubmitted Estimation of Spectral Shifts of Fluorinated Liquid Crystals in Ultraviolet Region: Alkyl Chain Length.Dependence and Correlation in Molecular Structures
- J. Bhoi and U. Laha: “Hamiltonian hierarchy and n–p scatteringâ€, J Phys. G: Nucl. & Part. Phys. 40, 045107 (2013).
- Deuteron stripping reaction on mirror nuclei of 16O,28Si,24Mg and 40Ca
Anjana Acharya,Rajib L. Nayak and Trupti Sahu
Accepted in International Review in Physics - K.C.Baral and G.Nath,(2008) “Diffusion and transport phenomena in a collisional magnetoplasma with temperature anisotropy”, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol.46,No.2,pp-111, ISSN#0019-5596.
- P.L.Praveen, Ramakrishna D.S., and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., (2016) In-Press.
UV Characterization of a Smectic-C Liquid Crystal: Theoretical Support to the Experiment - S. K. Mohanty, B. Behera, B. Pati, Piyush R. Das: “Electricalandoptical properties of lead-free 0.15(K0.5Bi0.5TiO3)-0.85 NaNbO3 solid solution” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 29 (2018) 12269- 12277.
- Yogendra Kumar Yadav, MPK Sahoo, RNP Choudhary, Electrical properties of Bi2TiO5 ceramic, J. Alloys Compd (2010) 490, 589. (Impact factor 4.6)
- U. Laha and J. Bhoi: “Off-shell Jost solutions for Coulomb and Coulomb-like interactions in all partial wavesâ€, Journal of Math. Phys. 54, 013514 (2013).
- U. Laha and J. Bhoi: “Thermal conductivity of bad conductors revisited, International Journal of Physics and Mathematical Sciencesâ€, Vol. 3 (1) January-March, pp 40-42 (2013).
- Variation of cross section with special points for 16O ( 5/2+) and 16O(½+) states in AltÂ
Grassberger Sandhas version of Faddeev approach
Accepted in Science front, Journal of Foundation and Applications in Physics - J.N.Mohanty,K.C.Baral and G.Nath,(2007) “Diffusion and transport phenomena in a collisional magneto plasma having both streaming and temperature anisotropy: Collisional kinetics”, PRAMAN, Vol.68,No.3,pp-457-466 ,ISSN#0304-4289.
- T.J.Jose, A.Simi, M.D.Raju, and P.L.Praveen, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., (2016) Submitted.
Estimation of high and low UV intensity profiles of mesogenic oxovanadium (IV) salen complexes: Doubling effect of homologue number - S.K. Mohanty, H.S. Mohanty, B. Behera, D. P. Datta, S. Behera. Piyush R. Das: “Influence of NaNbO3 on the structural, optical and dielectric properties of 0.05(K0.5Bi0.5TiO3)-0.95(NaNbO3) composites ceramics” J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 30 (2019) 5833-5844.
- MPK Sahoo, N Kumar, RNP Choudhary, Structural, dielectric and electrical properties of LiBaFeWO6, J. Alloys Compd (2010) 478, 49. (Impact factor 4.6)
National Publications
- A. Tripathy, G. Nath and R. Paikaray(2016), “Determination of compatible solvent concentration for dewaxing of crude oil using ultrasonic technique” Journal of Acoustical Society of India,Vol.43,No.3,pp-138-145.
- G. Nath, B.K. Lotte, P.P. Tripathy, R. Giri and R. Paikaray(2016), “Study of physical and acoustical properties of silver nanofluid ” Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics, Vol.38,No.2,pp-35-39. ISSN 0256-4637.
- R Giri and G Nath,(2015) “Ultrasonic analysis of acoustic properties of binary mixture for extraction of Cerium Oxide (CeO2 )” Ultrasonics, 86,pp-34697-34701.
- R Giri and G Nath, (2015), “Ultrasonic study of solvent extractant in nuclear technology”, Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics, Vol.37,No.2,44 – 47. ISSN 0256-4637.
- A.Sarangi, G. Nath , S.K.Swain, R.Paikaray, (2015)Â “Effect of Frequency on Physical Properties of Date Palm Fiber -PVA Composites” International Journal of Science and Research, 22(24),364-366 ISSN 2319-7064 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
- G Nath, A Tripathy, R Paikaray, (2015), “ Ultrasonic Study on Solvent Dewaxing Process of Crude Petroleum Oil ” International Journal of Science and Research, 22(24),275-277 ,ISSN 2319-7064 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
- R Giri, G Nath, PK Kar, R Paikaray, (2015)Â “ Ultrasonic Analysis of Solvent Extrancts for Nuclear Reactor Materials , International Journal of Science and Research, 22(24),258-260,ISSN 2319-7064 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
- G.R.Mishra,G.Nath and R.Paikaray, (2015) “Ultrasonic Study on Alkaline Treatment of Natural Fiber”, International Journal of Science and Research 22(24),415-417, ISSN 415-416, DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
- G.Nath (2015)“ Effect of streaming and temperature anisotropy in Wiedemann-Franz law for collisional magnetoplasma ” Journal for Foundations and Applications of Physics,Vol.2,No.1,pp-1-6 ISSN 2394-3688.
- G.Nath,A.Sarangi and R.Paikaray,(2013), “Ultrasonic study of chemical mixture used for preparation of fiber from date palm leaves”, Journal of Acoustic Society of India, Vol-4,pp- 245-249, ISSN 0973-3302.
- G.Nath, S.K.Swain,A.Sarangi and R.Paikaray,(2013) Sonochemical Analysis of Solvent Mixtures Used for Surface Treatment of Natural Fibers, Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics,Vol-35,pp-133, ISSN 0256-4637.SSN 0256-4637.
- S .Sahu, G. Nath and R.Paikaray,(2012) “Study on Molecular Interactions in binary mixture at variable  frequencies using Ultrasonic technique” Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 2,No-11,pp- 64-66, ISSN-2231-606X.
- G.Nath,(2012) “Ultrasonic study of binary mixture of acetone with bromobenzene and chlorobenzene at different frequencies”,Chemical Science Transactions,Vol-1,No-3,pp-516-521,ISSN-2278-3458/2278-3318, DOI:10.7598/cst2012.171
- G.Nath and S.Barik, (2010)“The Cross field diffusion and transport in a collisional magneto plasma in presence of  Neutrals”, International Journal of Physics, Vol.1,pp-57, ISSN-0975-7155.
- G.Nath and R.Paikaray,(2010) “Effect of frequency on thermo acoustics and nonlinearity parameter(B/A)of binary mixture”, International Journal of Physics, Vol.2,pp- 95, ISSN-0975-7155.
- G.Nath and R.Paikaray,(2009) “Role of frequency in studying intermolecular interactions in a binary mixture of industrial importance liquid”, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Vol-1,pp- 99 ISSN-0975-7155.
- G.Nath and R.Paikaray, (2009),“Frequency dependent studies of acoustic parameters in binary mixture of non-polar and polar liquid”, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences,Vol-2,pp- 333 ISSN-0975-7155.
- G.Nath and K.C.Baral,(2008),Wiedemann – Franz ratio for a thermally anisotropic, collisional magnetoplasma stream,Buuletin of Pure and Applied Physics,Vol- 1,pp- 65, ISSN-0970-6569.
- G.Nath,S.Acharaya and R.Paikaray,(2007) “Ultrasonic study of binary mixtures of acetone with mono-substituted benzene at different frequencies”, Journal of Acoustic Society of India,Vol- 4,pp-135, ISSN#0253-7257.