ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Ganeswar Nath

Professor & Head

Qualification : Ph.D., Physics(Ultrasonics)
Department of Physics, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack,Odisha
M.Phil., Physics(Plasma Science)
Department of Physics, Ravenshaw College(Autonomous),Utkal University, Bhubaneswar,Odisha
Department of Physics, Ravenshaw College(Autonomous),Utkal University, Bhubaneswar,Odisha

Specialization : Material Science Ultrasonic and Acoustics

Ph.D., Physics(Ultrasonics)
Department of Physics, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack,Odisha
M.Phil., Physics(Plasma Science)
Department of Physics, Ravenshaw College(Autonomous),Utkal University, Bhubaneswar,Odisha
Department of Physics, Ravenshaw College(Autonomous),Utkal University, Bhubaneswar,Odisha

Material Science Ultrasonic and Acoustics

20 Years

Graduate Level : B.Tech(Physics)
Post Graduate Level : M.Sc - Electro Dynamics-I, Electro Dynamics-II,LASER Physics, Physics of Semiconductor Devices ,Stastical Mechanics, Open Elective(Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting
M.Phil: Physics of Ultrasonics

Material Science, Ultrasonics and Acoustics, Laser Science

Ph. D. Candidates :
  1. Mr.Abhijit Sarangi- Study of compatibility of alcohol blended chemicals for modification of natural fibres in synthesis of biocomposites by ultrasonic technique
  2. Ms.Ranjeeta Giri - Ultrasonic study of solvent extractants for reactor materials at different frequencies and temperature
  3. Ms.Amita Tripathy: Ultrasonic Characterization compatible solvent mixture in dewaxing of crude oil
  4. Mr.Sakti Prasad Mishra: Study on synthesis and characterization of acoustics and microwave absorbing materials.
M. Tech. Candidates : M.Phil
  1. Mr.Saktii Prasad Mishra - Study of physical properties of coconut coir dust using ultrasonic technique
  2. Mr.Gyana Ranjan Mishra- Study of thermo acoustic parameters using ultrasonic technique in binary mixture at tempereture 303K
  1. Mr.Rabi Ch.Pandey: Application of ultrasonic waves in study of acoustic parameters using interferometer technique
  2. Mr. Jagabandhu Pradhan : Application of ultrasonic waves in study of acoustic parameters using interferometer technique
  3. Ms.Karubaki Pattanaik : Ultrasonic study on extraction of Uranium
  4. Ms.Bhagyashree Panigrahi : Ultrasonic study on extraction of Uranium
  5. Mr.Rakesh Kumar Rout: Study of transport properties in neutral plasma
  6. Ms.Baljeet Kaur Lotte: Synthesis and ultrasonic characterization of silver nano fluid
  7. Ms. Preeti Parna Tripathy: Synthesis and ultrasonic characterization of silver nano fluid
  8. Ms.Ayesha Nanda: Design and testing of a laser based vibratory sensor
  9. Ms. Bhanu Priya: Synthesis and measurement of physico-acoustic properties of banana fiber composite
  10. Mr.Durga Madhab Pani: Synthesis and measurement of microwave absorbing properties of Rice husk composite at X-Band frequency
  11. Ms. Ib Singh Deo: Design of a laser based non-contact sensor for measurement of angular velocity of a rotating shaft
  12. Ms. Susmita Garnayak: Synthesis and characterization of bio-ceramic radar absorbing material at x- band frequency
  13. Ms. Mridula Ghosh: Synthesis and thermoacoustic studies of cerium oxide nanofluid
  14. Ms. Priyanka Satapathy: Laser based sensor for surface analysis of materials
  15. Ms. Anusha Mohanty: Sonication effect on thermal conductivity of magnetic nanofluid
  16. Mr. Kesab Kumar Garg: Designing of laser based vibratory sensor for Surface analysis of materials
  17. Ms. Soumya Saswati: Development of green acoustic building material for noise reduction
  18. Ms. Pratichi Sahu: Sonication effect on synthesis and measurement of thermal conductivity of magnetic nanofluid
  8. YOUNG SCIENTIST Award-2015 (Ultrasonic Society of India)
  9. DR.M.PANCHOLY Award-2013 (Ultrasonic Society of India)
  10. BEST RESEACH PAPER Award-2010 (Acoustic Society of America)
  1. Life Member and Executive Council Member of Ultrasonic Society of India
  2. (USI)
  3. Life Member Acoustic Society of India(ASI)
  4. Life Member Plasma Science Society of India(PSSI)
  5. Life Member Indian Association of Physical Teachers(IAPT)
  6. Life Member Indian Society for Technical Education(ISTE)
  7. Life Member Odisha Physical Society(OPS)
  8. Life Member Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
  1. Ultrasonic Characterization of Nanofluids for various concentration at different temperature, [INR.6.00 Lakhs ,UGC,New Delhi Sponsored Project ,[No.F.20-1(28)/2012(BSR) ]
  2. Study of Propagation of Ultrasonic waves in Solvent Mixture Used in Preparation of Natural Fiber from Agricultural Wastes [INR 8.285 Lakhs, DRDO, New Delhi,ERIP/ER/1203150/M/01/1559]
  3. Development of Ultrasonic Absorbent composite material using Date palm Leaf fiber [INR 7.358 Lakhs DRDO, New Delhi,No.ERIP/ER/1203119/M/01/1529]
  4. Synthesis and measurement of hybrid acoustic shielding material for environmental noise reduction [INR9.79 Lakh Planning and Convergence Department, Govt. of Odisha, Bhubaneswar, No.2751/P, Bhubaneswar PC-INO-ACTI-0010-2018)
  5. Designing of hybrid green composites using industrial and bio-waste for acoustical applications.[ INR 1.00 Lakhs by TEQIP faculty Research seed money]

International Publications

  1. R.Giri and G.Nath, (2016), “Physicochemical study of extractants for extraction of rare earth element”, Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, DOI 10.1186/s40543-016-0101-x.
  2. G Nath and S P Mishra,(2016), “Study of physical and sound absorbing property of epoxy blended coir dust biocomposite” Materials Science and Engineering, 149 ,012101 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012101.
  3. A.Sarangi,G.Nath,S.K.Swain and R.Paikaray,(2014)” Chemical Modification of Natural Fibers with Acetone Blended Alcohols ” Advanced Science Letters,20(3-4),pp-570-573,ISSN 19366612 DOI: 10.1166/asl.2014.5367.
  4. A Sarangi, G Nath, SK Swain(2014) “ Compatibility study of binary mixture for surface modifications of natural fibers using ultrasonic technique at different frequencies ” Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics,Vol- 52 ,No.1,pp- 30-34 ISSN 0019-5596.
  5. G.Nath,A.Tripathy and R.Paikaray,(2013), “Study of Acoustic Parameters in binary mixture at variable frequencies”International Journal of Thermophysics ,Vol-34,No.11,pp-2160-2172.
  6. G.Nath, S. Sahu and R.Paikaray,(2009), “Study of acoustic parameters of binary mixtures of a non-polar liquid with polar liquid at different frequencies”, Indian Journal of Physics, Vol-83,No.4,pp- 429-436 ,ISSN#0973-1458.
  7. G.Nath, and R.Paikaray,(2009) “Ultrasonic study of binary mixtures of acetone with chlorobenzene at different frequencies”, Indian Journal of Physics, Vol.83,No.9,pp-1309-1314,ISSN#0973-1458.
  8. G.Nath, S. Sahu and R.Paikaray,(2009) “Effect of frequency on acoustic parameters in a binary mixture of polar liquids”, Indian Journal of Physics,Vol- 83,No.11,pp-1567-1574 ISSN#0973-1458.
  9. K.C.Baral and G.Nath,(2008) “Diffusion and transport phenomena in a collisional magnetoplasma with temperature anisotropy”, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, Vol.46,No.2,pp-111, ISSN#0019-5596.
  10. J.N.Mohanty,K.C.Baral and G.Nath,(2007) “Diffusion and transport phenomena in a collisional magneto plasma having both streaming and temperature anisotropy: Collisional kinetics”, PRAMAN, Vol.68,No.3,pp-457-466 ,ISSN#0304-4289.

National Publications

  1. A. Tripathy, G. Nath and R. Paikaray(2016), “Determination of compatible solvent concentration for dewaxing of crude oil using ultrasonic technique” Journal of Acoustical Society of India,Vol.43,No.3,pp-138-145.
  2. G. Nath, B.K. Lotte, P.P. Tripathy, R. Giri and R. Paikaray(2016), “Study of physical and acoustical properties of silver nanofluid ” Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics, Vol.38,No.2,pp-35-39. ISSN 0256-4637.
  3. R Giri and G Nath,(2015)Ultrasonic analysis of acoustic properties of binary mixture for extraction of Cerium Oxide (CeO2 )” Ultrasonics, 86,pp-34697-34701.
  4. R Giri and G Nath, (2015), “Ultrasonic study of solvent extractant in nuclear technology”, Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics, Vol.37,No.2,44 – 47. ISSN 0256-4637.
  5. A.Sarangi, G. Nath , S.K.Swain, R.Paikaray, (2015)  “Effect of Frequency on Physical Properties of Date Palm Fiber -PVA Composites” International Journal of Science and Research, 22(24),364-366 ISSN 2319-7064 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
  6. G Nath, A Tripathy, R Paikaray, (2015), “ Ultrasonic Study on Solvent Dewaxing Process of Crude Petroleum Oil ” International Journal of Science and Research, 22(24),275-277 ,ISSN 2319-7064 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
  7. R Giri, G Nath, PK Kar, R Paikaray, (2015)  “ Ultrasonic Analysis of Solvent Extrancts for Nuclear Reactor Materials , International Journal of Science and Research, 22(24),258-260,ISSN 2319-7064 DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
  8. G.R.Mishra,G.Nath and R.Paikaray, (2015) “Ultrasonic Study on Alkaline Treatment of Natural Fiber”, International Journal of Science and Research 22(24),415-417, ISSN 415-416, DOI: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2009.00189.x
  9. G.Nath (2015)“ Effect of streaming and temperature anisotropy in Wiedemann-Franz law for collisional magnetoplasma ” Journal for Foundations and Applications of Physics,Vol.2,No.1,pp-1-6 ISSN 2394-3688.
  10. G.Nath,A.Sarangi and R.Paikaray,(2013), “Ultrasonic study of chemical mixture used for preparation of fiber from date palm leaves”, Journal of Acoustic Society of India, Vol-4,pp- 245-249, ISSN 0973-3302.
  11. G.Nath, S.K.Swain,A.Sarangi and R.Paikaray,(2013) Sonochemical Analysis of Solvent Mixtures Used for Surface Treatment of Natural Fibers, Journal of Pure and Applied Ultrasonics,Vol-35,pp-133, ISSN 0256-4637.SSN 0256-4637.
  12. S .Sahu, G. Nath and R.Paikaray,(2012) “Study on Molecular Interactions in binary mixture at variable   frequencies using Ultrasonic technique” Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 2,No-11,pp-  64-66, ISSN-2231-606X.
  13. G.Nath,(2012) “Ultrasonic study of binary mixture of acetone with bromobenzene and chlorobenzene at different frequencies”,Chemical Science Transactions,Vol-1,No-3,pp-516-521,ISSN-2278-3458/2278-3318, DOI:10.7598/cst2012.171
  14. G.Nath and S.Barik, (2010)“The Cross field diffusion and transport in a collisional magneto plasma in presence of   Neutrals”, International Journal of Physics, Vol.1,pp-57, ISSN-0975-7155.
  15. G.Nath and R.Paikaray,(2010) “Effect of frequency on thermo acoustics and nonlinearity parameter(B/A)of binary mixture”, International Journal of Physics, Vol.2,pp- 95, ISSN-0975-7155.
  16. G.Nath and R.Paikaray,(2009) “Role of frequency in studying intermolecular interactions in a binary mixture of industrial importance liquid”, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences, Vol-1,pp- 99 ISSN-0975-7155.
  17. G.Nath and R.Paikaray, (2009),“Frequency dependent studies of acoustic parameters in binary mixture of non-polar and polar liquid”, Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences,Vol-2,pp- 333 ISSN-0975-7155.
  18. G.Nath and K.C.Baral,(2008),Wiedemann – Franz ratio for a thermally anisotropic, collisional magnetoplasma stream,Buuletin of Pure and Applied Physics,Vol- 1,pp- 65, ISSN-0970-6569.
  19. G.Nath,S.Acharaya and R.Paikaray,(2007) “Ultrasonic study of binary mixtures of acetone with mono-substituted  benzene at different frequencies”, Journal of Acoustic Society of India,Vol- 4,pp-135, ISSN#0253-7257.

International Conferences

  1. G.Nath and R.K.Rout, “Study of Electrical Resistivity and Thermal Conductivity in Neutral Plasma” ICEIPT-2015,AIP Conference Proceeding, 2015pp 030019-1 - 030019-5,(2015).
  2. G.Nath, S.P.Mishra,A.Sarangi and R.Paikaray, “Study of acoustic properties of coconut coir powder” Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics ( NSA-2015),(2015).
  3. R.Giri and G.Nath, “Study of Physical Properties of Cerium Oxide(CeO2) Nanofluids”(NANO-2015), Advanced Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Applications, pp. 25-28 (2015).
  4. A.Sarangi,G.Nath,S.K.Swain and R.Paikaray, “Ultrasonic treatment in surface modification of Sisal fiber”, , Proceedings of  National Symposium on Ultrasonics (NSU-XX),pp- 84-87,(2014).
  5. “Ultrasonic Characterization of Solvent Mixture in Dewaxing Process of Crude Oil” G.Nath and R. Paikaray, Proceedings of  National Symposium on Ultrasonics (NSU-XX),pp- 119-123,( 2014).
  6. A.Tripathy, G.R.Mishra , G.Nath and R.Paikaray , “Characterization of molecular interactions in binary mixture of di-isopropyl ether and 1- propanol at different frequencies” ,Proceedings of  National Symposium on Ultrasonics (NSU- XX),pp- 148-150,( 2014).
  7. R.Giri and G.Nath,“Ultrasonic Study of solvent extractant in Nuclear Technology” Proceedings of National Symposium on Ultrasonics (NSU- XX), pp- 257-259,(2014).
  8. G.Nath,A.Tripathy and  R. Paikaray, “ Molecular interaction study in dewaxing of crude petroleum oil by ultrasonic techniqueProceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics ( NSA-2014),pp-175-180(2014).
  9. A.Sarangi,G.Nath,S.K.Swain and R.Paikaray, “Ultrasonic study of surface treatment of natural fiber with maleic acid blended alcohols” Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics ( NSA-2014),pp-181-188(2014).
  10. R.Giri and G.Nath, “Acoustic studies on polar extrants with non polar diluents at different frequencies” Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics ( NSA-2014),pp-188-193(2014).
  11. G. Nath, A. Sarangi and S.K.Swain, “Compatibility Study of Chemicals for Filler making of Composites from Natural fiber using Ultrasonic Technique” Proceedings of National conference on Emerging New Materias in Engineering Application (ENMEA-2013),(2013).
  12. G.Nath, A Sarangi, and R.Paikaray, “Chemical Analysis for Surface Modifications of Natural fibers Using Ultrasonic Technique”, Proceedings of National conference on Recent Trends in Laser and Photonics (RTLP-2013), (2013).
  13. G.Nath and R. Paikaray, “Study on molecular properties of binary mixture using acoustic nonlinearity parameter    (B/A) at different frequency” Proceedings of ACOUSTIC-2013,(2013).
  14. A.Sarangi,G.Nath  R. Paikaray and S.K.Swain, “Acoustical investigation of acetone blended alcohols for chemical modification of natural fibers” Proceedings of ACOUSTIC-2013,(2013).
  15. G.R.Mishra,A.Tripathy,G.Nath andR.Paikaray, “Study of thermo acoustic parameters in binary mixture using ultrasonic technique”, Proceedings of ACOUSTIC-2013,(2013).
  16. G.Nath, A.Sarangi and R.Paikaray “Ultrasonic study of chemical mixture used for preparation of fiber from date palm leaves”, Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics (NSA-2012), pp-291-296,(2012).
  17. S.Sahu, G.Nath and R.Paikaray, “Ultrasonic investigation on molecular interactions in binary mixture at variable   frequencies”, Proceedings of  National Symposium on    Acoustics (NSA –2011) No.1, pp- 81, (2011).
  18. strong>G. Nath,  A K Pattanaik and R.Paikaray “Theoretical evaluation of non linearity parameter (B/A) at different frequencies”, Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics(NSA –2011), No. 1, pp- 89,(2011).
  19. G. Nath and R. Paikaray “Study of non linear parameter (b/a) and thermo acoustic parameter of binary mixture at different frequencies” Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics ( NSA-2014),pp-89-94(2010).
  20. G. Nath, A. Sarangi and R. Paikaraay, “Ultrasonic study of chemical mixture used for preparation of fiber from date palm leaves” National Symposium on Acoustics ( NSA-2012),pp-291(2010).
  21. G.Nath,S.Sahu  and R. Paikaray, “A comparative ultrasonic study of binary mixture of Acetone with bromobenzene and chlorobenzene at different frequencies” Proceedings of National Symposium on Acoustics ( NSA-2009),(2009).
  22. G. Nath,S.Mishra and R. Paikaraay, “Study of molecular interactions in binary mixture of diisopropylether (DIPE) and chlorobenzene (C.B) at different frequency” National Symposium on Acoustics ( NSA-2007), (2007).
  1. VIGYAN KATHA, A Popular Science based Magazine in Regional Language (School Students), Dr. R.Paikaray,Dr.S.Dash, Dr. G.Nath, & Dr. G.Sahoo, School of Physical Science,Ravenshaw University,Cuttack, ISBN:81-925464-1-1, 1st  Edition, 2014.
  • Recent Advances in Science for Technology (RAST-2012), 27th-28th February 2012, Department of Physics, VSSUT, Burla
  • National Symposium on Ultrasonics(NSU-XX), 24th-25th January 2014, Department of Physics, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack
  • National Workshop on Nano Technology: Present and Future Aspect in Science and Engineering(NASE-2016), 27th-28th February 2012, Department of Chemistry, VSSUT, Burla
  • 5th PSSI-PLASMA SCHOLARS COLLOQUIUM (PSC-2016), 27th -28th   August 2016, Department of Physics, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack
  1. Assistant Warden of Pulasthya Hall of Residence (2014-2016)
  2. Member of Committee for conducting Examination (2012 till date)
  3. Assistant to Controller of Examination, (2012-2014)
  4. Member of Board of Studies of Physics Department (2012 till date)
  5. Member of Department Academic Committee of  Physics Deptt (2016-till date)
  6. Member of Board of Studies Humanities Department, (2016-till date)
  7. Faculty Advisor of Samavesh (2012-2015)
  8. Member of University Canteen Management,(2016 till date)
  9. Faculty Advisor of Yoga Club (2016 till date)
  • Editor in Chief: Journal for Foundations and Applications of Physics
  • Reviewer of
    • Indian Journal of Physics
    • Journal for Foundations and Applications of Physics
    •  International Journal of Thermo physics
    •  International Journal of Thermodynamics
    • Canadian Journal of Physicsion10X
Present Address : 
Qr No: BF -5,
Sourav Bihar, VSSUT Burla Sambalpur,
  Permanent Address : 
AT: Nalbegi PO: Kaitha
Via: Chhatia, Dist: Cuttack
Pin: 754023 ,Odisha