ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. P. Lakshmi Praveen

Assistant Professor

Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Acharya Nagarjuna University)

Specialization : Condensed Matter Physics

M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. (Acharya Nagarjuna University)

Condensed Matter Physics

14 Years

Graduate Level : B.Tech. Physics
Post Graduate Level : Soft & Condensed Matter Physics, Quantum Mechanics-I & II, M.Sc. & Int. M.Sc. Physics Laboratory

Liquid Crystals, Soft and Organic Materials

Ph. D. Candidates : 01 (Completed), 02 (On-Going) M.Sc. 20 (Completed)
M. Tech. Candidates :
  1. Young Scientist Award-2012 by Dr. K.V. Rao Scientific Society, Hyderabad.
  2. Best Invited Talk Award-2021 by IKTBN, Sepang, Malaysia.
  3. Guest Editor: European Phys. J. E (IF: 1.8), Springer
  4. Lead Guest Editor: J. Molecular & Engineering Materials (IF: 2.4), World Scientific
  5. Guest Editor: J. Molecular Structure (IF: 4.0), Elsevier
  6. Managing Guest Editor: J. Molecular Liquids (IF: 5.3), Elsevier
  7. Editor: Discover Applied Sciences (IF: 2.8), Springer
International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden
  1. Green Synthesis of Novel Liquid Crystals for Display Applications: Potential Method for Industrial Practice (Govt. of Odisha, Department of Science & Technology), Rs. 10Lakhs

International Publications

  1. 2016: T.J.Jose, A.Simi, M.D.Raju, and P.L.Praveen, Int. J Macro & Nano Phys., 1, 1 (2016).
        ISSN: 1111-1113 
    Thermodynamic and Ultraviolet Stabilities of para-azoxyanisole: A Nematic Liquid Crystal
  2. 2015: P.L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 606, 75 (2015).
    ISSN 1542-1406    IF: 0.58 
    Effect of Molecular Interactions and Homologue Number on UV Absorption Spectra of Liquid Crystalline
    Alkyl Cyanobiphenyl Dimers: DFT Calculations
  3. P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 608, 72 (2015).
    ISSN: 0141-1594  IF: 0.58 
    The Influence of Alkyl Chain Length and Solvents on Configurational Probability of Liquid Crystalline
    Materials – A Computational Approach
  4. T.J.Jose, A.Simi, M.D.Raju, and P.L.Praveen, Int. J. Adv. Res. J. Sci. Engg. Technol., 2, 14 (2015).
    ISSN: 2393-8021  IF: 1.918
    Liquid Crystalline Carborane Diester Molecules: Structure, Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra Based on DFT and Semiempirical Methods
  5. P.L.Praveen, and Ramakrishna D. S., Int. J. Adv. Res. J. Sci. Engg. Technol., 2, 92 (2015).
        ISSN: 2393-8021  IF: 1.918
    Charge Distribution and UV Absorption Spectra of Liquid Crystals with Structural Element [closo-B10H10]2-:
    A Theoretical Approach
  6. 2014: P.L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Liquid Crystals, 41, 872 (2014).
    ISSN: 0267-8292  IF: 2.486
    Photo sensitivity, substituent and solvent-induced shifts in UV-Visible absorption bands of naphthyl-ester
    liquid crystals: a comparative theoretical approach
  7. P. L. Praveen and D. P. Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids, 194, 8 (2014).
    ISSN: 0167-7322   IF: 2.515
    Optical Absorption Behaviour and Spectral Shifts of Fluorinated Liquid Crystals in Ultraviolet Region – A
    Comparative Study Based on DFT and Semiempirical Approaches
  8. P.L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids, 197, 106 (2014).
    ISSN: 0167-7322   IF: 2.515      
    Effect of molecular interactions and end chain length on ultraviolet absorption and photo stability of
    alkoxycinnamic acids: Theoretical models of liquid crystal
  9. P.L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Phase Transitions, 87, 641 (2014).
    ISSN: 0141-1594         IF: 1.1    
    Role of Molecular Interactions and End Chain Length on Photo Sensitivity of Liquid Crystalline Alkyl
    Cyanobiphenyl Dimers – UV Absorption Based Approach Through DFT Calculations
  10. P. L. Praveen and D. P. Ojha, Phase Trans., 87, 515 (2014).
    ISSN: 0141-1594                IF: 1.1    
    Effect of Substituent on UV-Visible Absorption and Photo Stability of Liquid Crystals: DFT Study

  11. 2013: P.L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Phase Transitions, 86, 433 (2013).
    ISSN: 0141-1594 IF: 1.1    
    Thermodynamic Stability and Phase Behaviour of a Liquid Crystalline Material: A Theoretical Model at
    Molecular Level
  12. D. P. Ojha, and P. L. Praveen, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 74, 1653 (2013).
    ISSN: 0022-3697 IF: 1.417     
    Theoretical Study on Liquid Crystal Cyanobiphenyls: Phase Stability and Phase Behaviour

    13. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 575, 77 (2013).

  13. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 575, 77 (2013).
          ISSN 1542-1406  IF: 0.58
    Role of Molecular Interactions on Phase Stability and Phase Behaviour of a Model Nematogen - A
    Thermodynamic Approach.
  14. P. L. Praveen and D. P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.,571, 30 (2013).
          ISSN 1542-1406  IF: 0.58
    Molecular Structure and Ordering in a Fluorinated Smectogenic Compound-A Statistical Thermodynamic
  15. P.L. Praveen and D.P.Ojha, Asian J. Chem., 25, 7813(2013).
    ISSN: 0970-7077 IF: 0.27 
    Molecular structure and ordering in biphenyl molecules with strong polar group: A comparative
    computational analysis between a mesogen and non-mesogens
  16. 2012: P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Materials Chem. & Physics, 135, 628 (2012).
    ISSN: 0254-0584 IF: 2.259     
    Calculation of Spectral Shifts in UV-Visible Region and Photoresponsive Behaviour of Fluorinated Liquid
    Crystals: Effect of Solvent and Substituent
  17. P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Crystal Res. Technol. 47, 91 (2012).
    ISSN: 1521-4079 IF: 1.1    
    Substituent and Solvent Effects on UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of Liquid Crystalline Disubstituted
    Biphenylcyclohexane Derivatives – A Computational Approach 
  18. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, J. Physics & Chemistry of Solids, 73, 57 (2012).
    ISSN: 0022-3697 IF: 1.417     
    Theoretical Analysis on Phase Behaviour of a Liquid Crystalline Material – Effect of Molecular Motions 
  19. R. Aneela, P.L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids, 166, 70 (2012)
    ISSN: 0167-7322 IF: 2.515
    Role of Configurational Entropy on Ordering and Phase Organization of Nematic Liquid Crystals – Role
    of Configurational Entropy
  20. P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Z. Naturforsch, 67a, 210 (2012).
    ISSN: 0932-0784 IF: 1.02
    Study of Phase Behaviour of N-n-Undecyl-D-Gluconamide having V-Shaped Conformation – A
    Molecular Simulation Approach
  21. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, J. Molecular Modeling, 18, 1513 (2012).
    ISSN: 1610-2940 IF: 1.80
    Structure and Electronic Spectra of Mesogenic Alkoxy Cinnamic Acids: A Comparative Study Based on
    Semiempirical and DFT Methods
  22. P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Romanian J. Phys., 57, 645 (2012).
    ISSN: 1221-146X IF: 0.42
    Thermodynamic Properties of a Nematogen - A Computational Approac
  23. R. Aneela, P.L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 557, 90 (2012).
    ISSN 1542-1406  IF: 0.58
    Computational Analysis of Liquid Crystalline Biphenylcyclohexane Derivatives: Estimation of
    Configurational Probability, and Phase Stability
  24. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 557, 206 (2012).
    ISSN 1542-1406  IF: 0.58
    Substituents Effect on Electronic Spectral Shifts and Phase Stability of Liquid Crystalline
    Biphenylcyclohexane Molecules – A Theoretical Approach
  25. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids. 169, 110 (2012).
    ISSN: 0167-7322 IF: 2.515      
    Calculation of Spectral Shifts in UV-Visible Region and Photo Stability of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals:
    Solvent and Alkyl Chain Length Effects
  26. P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, American Inst. Phys. Proc., 1447, 157 (2012).
          ISSN: 1551-7616        
    Electronic Spectra and Ultraviolet Stability of Nematic Liquid Crystals: Effect of Solvent and Substituen
  27. G. S. Baskaran, P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Asian J. Chem., 24, 4471 (2012).
    ISSN: 0970-7077 IF: 0.27 
    Influence of Dielectric Medium on Cyano Containing Mesogenic Compound-A Statistical Analysis Based
    on Quantum Mechanics and Intermolecular Forces
  28. 2011: P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Physical Review, E83, 051710 (2011).
    ISSN: 1539-3755 IF: 2.6
    Computational Analysis on Molecular Properties and Spectral Characteristics of Cyano Containing
    Liquid Crystals – Role of Alkyl Chains
  29. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Liquid Crystals, 38, 963 (2011).
    ISSN: 0267-8292 IF: 2.486      
    Semiempirical Analysis of Electronic Spectra and Ultraviolet Stability of Nematic Liquid Crystals: Effect
    of Solvent and Substituent
  30. P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Materials Chem. & Phys., 126, 248 (2011).
    ISSN: 0254-0584 IF: 2.259      
    Role of Molecular Rigidity on Phase Organization of a Smectic Liquid Crystal- A Theoretical Model
  31. P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids, 158, 27 (2011).
    ISSN: 0167-7322 IF: 2.515     
    Estimation of Configurational Entropy and Stability of Nematic Phase in Mesogens-Role of Molecular
  32. P. L. Praveen, and D.P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 537, 64 (2011).
    ISSN 1542-1406  IF: 0.58
    Molecular Structure and Conformational Behaviour of a Nematogen-A Statistical Approach
  33. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, J. Molecular Liquids, 161, 44 (2011).
    ISSN: 0167-7322 IF: 2.515      
    Phase Organization in Laterally Substituted Dicyclohexaethane Derivatives-A Molecular Model for
  34. P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 548, 61 (2011).
    ISSN 1542-1406  IF: 0.58
    Thermodynamic Stability of Nematic Phase and Configurational Entropy of Mesogens – A Molecular
    Simulation Approach
  35. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 548, 209 (2011).
    ISSN 1542-1406  IF: 0.58
    Electronic Transition Oscillator Strength and UV Stability of Nematogenic Cyanobiphenyls – Role of
    Alkyl Chains
  36. P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 85, 1756 (2011).
    ISSN: 0036-0244 IF: 0.503     
    Molecular Interactions and Crystal Packing in a Nematogen-A Computational Thermodynamic
  37. 2010: P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Z. Naturforsch., 65a, 555 (2010).
    ISSN: 0932-0784 IF: 1.02                 
    Computer Simulations of Ordering in a Nematogen-The Role of Dielectric Medium
  38. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 528, 178 (2010).
    ISSN 1542-1406  IF: 0.58                 
    Ordering of a Strong Polar Nematogen 6CBB in Dielectric Medium-A Computational Analysis.
  39. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Materials Chem. Phys., 123, 147 (2010).
    ISSN: 0254-0584 IF: 2.259               
    Computer Simulation of ordering in a Bipolar Nematogen H6CBP at Phase Transition Temperature.
  40. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Phase Transitions, 83, 37(2010).
    ISSN: 0141-1594 IF: 1.1                         
    Molecular Ordering in a Bipolar Nematogenic Cyanobiphenyl - A Computer Simulation Approach.
  41. P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.,533, 92 (2010).
    ISSN 1542-1406  IF: 0.58                 
    Molecular Order-Disorder Phenomenon of a Nematogen-A Computational Analysis
  42. P.L.Praveen, N.Ajeetha, and D.P.Ojha, Russian J. Phy. Chem., 84, 229 (2010).
    ISSN: 0036-0244 IF: 0.503     
    Ordering in Homologous Series of 4’-n-Alkyl Cyanobiphenyl (nCB)-A Comparative Computational
  43. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Asian J. Chem., 22, 4075 (2010).
    ISSN: 0970-7077 IF: 0.27                 
    Molecular Ordering in a Nematogen Based on Quantum Mechanics and Intermolecular Forces-A, Computational Analysis.
  44. G. S. Baskaran, P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Asian J. Chem. 22, 5730(2010).
    ISSN: 0970-7077 IF: 0.27                 
    Ordering in Nematogenic p-n-Heptyloxy Benzoic Acid-A Computational Study.
  45. G. S. Baskaran, P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Int. J. Pure & Appl. Phys. 6, 127 (2010).
    ISSN: 0973-1776 IF: 0.23       
    A Computational Analysis of Ordering in p-n-Octyloxy Benzoic Acid-A Nematogen
  46. V. Gayatri, P. L. Praveen, and D. P. Ojha, Russ. J. Gen. Chem., 80, 2048 (2010).
    ISSN: 1070-3632 IF: 0.467               
    Computer Simulations of Molecular Organization in a Nematogen – The Role of Thermodynamical Parameters.   
  47. 2009: P.L.Praveen, N.Ajeetha, and D.P.Ojha, Russian J. Gen. Chem., 79, 2267 (2009).
    ISSN: 1070-3632 IF: 0.467     
    Ordering in a Smectogenic Schiff Base Compound-A Computational Analysis Based on Intermolecular
  48. P.L. Praveen, K.V. B. Reddy, N. Ajeetha, and D.P.Ojha, Crystallography  Reports, 54, 1197 (2009).
    ISSN: 1063-7745 IF: 0.469               
    Computational Analysis of Ordering in Non-Liquid Crystalline versus Liquid Crystalline Materials with
    Special Reference to nBAC.
  49. P. L. Praveen, and D.P.Ojha, Int. J. Mat. Sci., 4, 469 (2009).
    ISSN: 0973-4589 IF: 0.24 
    Mesomorphic Ordering in Liquid Crystalline Materials (BCHs)-A Computational Study Based on
    Intermolecular Interactions.
  50. 2008: G. S. Bhaskaran, P.L.Praveen, N.Ajeetha, and D.P.Ojha, Bull. of Pure & Appl.  Sci., 27D, 229 (2008). ISSN: 0970-6569 IF: 0.28 Molecular Ordering in 5OCB based on Quantum Mechanics and Intermolecular Forces Communicated (No. 03)
  51. Communicated: T.J.Jose, A.Simi, M.D.Raju, and P.L.Praveen, J. Optoelectronics & Adv. Mat., (2016) RevisedSubmitted Estimation of Spectral Shifts of Fluorinated Liquid Crystals in Ultraviolet Region: Alkyl Chain Length.Dependence and Correlation in Molecular Structures
  52. P.L.Praveen, Ramakrishna D.S., and D.P.Ojha, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., (2016) In-Press.
    UV Characterization of a Smectic-C Liquid Crystal: Theoretical Support to the Experiment
  53. T.J.Jose, A.Simi, M.D.Raju, and P.L.Praveen, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., (2016) Submitted.
    Estimation of high and low UV intensity profiles of mesogenic oxovanadium (IV) salen complexes: Doubling effect of homologue number
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Department of Physics Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Burla-768 018, Sambalpur, Odisha
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